Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument

Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument

Product Sizes

# Cat. No. Metal Sizes Purchase Qty.
1 CS.10.01 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Rasp With Tommy Bar (S,M,L)
2 CS.10.02 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Hollow Chisel
3 CS.10.03 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Capner Gauge Small, Medium,Large
4 CS.10.04 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Bone Curette Medium
5 CS.10.05 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Head Impector Nylone Faced
6 CS.10.06 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument A.M.Head Extractor Rod with Hook
7 CS.10.07 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Hammer
8 CS.10.08 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Impactor
9 CS.10.09 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Head Extractor Judet
10 CS.10.10 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Box Simple
11 CS.10.11 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Box Grafix
12 CS.10.12 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Triail Stem (100mm X Small)
13 CS.10.13 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Trial Stemp (130mm X Medium)
14 CS.10.14 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Trial Stemp (150mm X Large)
15 CS.10.15 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Trial Stemp (110mm X Collerless)
16 CS.10.16 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Trial Stemp (130mm X Collerless)
17 CS.10.17 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Trial Stemp (150mm X Collerless)
18 CS.10.18 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Trial S.S.Cup
19 CS.10.19 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument M.Trail Head
20 CS.10.20 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Cement Gun
21 CS.10.21 - Bipolar Hip Prosthesis Instrument Syringe Kit